Lodging your application
Lodging your application
You can apply either:
- online
- by printing and completing PDF application forms.
Online applications
To submit your online application, you'll need:
- application form Part B – you can find the appropriate form using the state land application finder.
PDF applications
To submit your PDF application, you'll need:
- application form Part A – Contact and land details
- application form Part B – you can find the appropriate form using the state land application finder.
Once completed, submit your PDF application forms by:
- using the online Part A - Contact and land details application form
- email to SLAMlodgement@resources.qld.gov.au (Opens in new window)
- post to Department of Resources, PO Box 5318, Townsville QLD 4810.
You are strongly encouraged to arrange a pre-lodgement meeting with us before you apply to ensure you have the information you need to apply correctly. You can do this by contacting your nearest business centre.
Payment options
If a fee applies to your application, payment options are cheque (by post) or credit card.
Cheques should be made out to the 'Department of Resources' and marked 'not negotiable'.
Credit card payments are accepted over the phone.
There is also an online payment option for some forms.
We will send you a receipt once we have established that your application meets all requirements and has been properly made.
Contact us
If you have any questions about lodging your application or payment, contact:
- SLAMlodgement@resources.qld.gov.au Phone: (07) 4447 9174